- Chapter 01. How to Use this Guide
- 01.01.....Welcome to the User's Guide
- 01.02.....Interactive Features and Searches
- 01.03.....Access to Source Codes
- 01.04.....Where to Go from Here
- Chapter 02. Terms and Abbreviations
- 02.01.....Naming Conventions
- 02.02.....Abbreviations Used in Parameters
- 02.03.....List of Commonly Used Terms
- 02.04.....Keyboard Terms
- Chapter 03. Geometric Specifications
- 03.01.....Configuration Assumptions
- 03.02.....Basic Wing Planform
- 03.03.....Optional Wing Planform Break
- 03.04.....Thickness/Chord Ratios
- 03.05.....Reference Wing Area (and others)
- 03.06.....Fuselage Geometry
- 03.07.....Shapes and the 'Shape Editor'
- 03.08.....Nacelles Geometry
- 03.09.....Stabiliser and Fin Geometry
- 03.10.....Winglets Geometry
- 03.11.....Undercarriage Geometry
- 03.12.....Flaps, Slats and Spoilers
- 03.13.....Windscreen and Windows
- 03.14.....Cabin Checks
- 03.15.....Wetted Area Calculations
- 03.16.....Fuel Volume Calculations
- 03.17.....3-View Drawings
- Chapter 04. Mass Estimation
- 04.01.....Introduction
- 04.02.....Maximum Takeoff Mass
- 04.03.....Payload Mass
- 04.04.....Design Conditions and Limits
- 04.05.....Wing Structural Mass
- 04.06.....Winglets Mass
- 04.07.....Mass of Flaps, Slats, etc.
- 04.08.....Fuselage Mass
- 04.09.....Tail Mass
- 04.10.....Undercarriage Mass
- 04.11.....Powerplants Mass
- 04.12.....Fixed Equipment Mass
- 04.13.....Crew Mass
- 04.14.....Mass Buildup and Adjustments
- Chapter 05. Aerodynamic Characteristics
- 05.01.....High-Speed Aerodynamics
- 05.02.....Atmospheric and Airspeed Data
- 05.03.....Reference Area
- 05.04.....Zero-Lift Drag Estimation
- 05.05.....- Wing zero-lift drag
- 05.06.....- Fuselage zero-lift drag
- 05.07.....- Stabiliser and Fin zero-lift drag
- 05.08.....- Winglets zero-lift drag
- 05.09.....- Nacelle zero-lift drag
- 05.10.....Lift-Induced Drag
- 05.11.....Trim Drag
- 05.12.....Compressibility Drag
- 05.13.....- RAE Compressibility Method
- 05.14.....- RR Compressibility Method
- 05.15.....- Additional Compressibility Terms
- 05.16.....Low-Speed Aerodynamics
- 05.17.....- Estimation of CLmax
- 05.18.....- Estimation of Low-Speed L/D
- 05.19.....One-Engine-Inoperative Drag
- Chapter 06. External Aerodynamic Inputs
- 06.01.....External-Source Aerodynamics
- 06.02.....Fixed Polar Files
- 06.03.....- Basic Polar Data
- 06.04.....- Compressibility-Related Data
- 06.05.....- Reynolds-Related Data
- 06.06.....Polar 'Modification' Files
- 06.07.....Simplified Polar Adjustments
- 06.08.....Low-Speed Aerodynamics
- Chapter 07. Engine Specifications
- 07.01.....Introduction
- 07.02.....Engine Folders
- 07.03.....Thrust Rating Files
- 07.04.....Reference and Available Thrusts
- 07.05.....Thrust Interpolation
- 07.06.....Representations of Fuel-Flow or SFC
- 07.07.....Compact Fuel-Flow (SFC) Files
- 07.08.....- Fuel Interpolation
- 07.09.....- Altitude Corrections to SFC
- 07.10.....Complete Fuel-Flow (SFC) Folders
- 07.11.....Idle thrust and Idle fuel-flow files
- 07.12.....Engine 'description' files
- 07.13.....Engine 'flat ratings'
- 07.14.....Data shared by Planes and Engines
- 07.15.....'Engine Deck' Data Filter
- 07.16.....Handling Engine Data
- Chapter 08. Parameters and Design Logic
- 08.01.....Introduction
- 08.02.....Types of Parameters
- 08.03.....Ways of Accessing Parameters
- 08.04.....Parameter Palettes
- 08.05.....Parameter Dialogs
- 08.06.....'Plane' Files
- 08.07.....The Design Procedure
- 08.08.....Sizing Modes
- 08.09.....- Nacelle Scaling
- 08.10.....- Constant W/S and T/W
- 08.11.....- Frozen OEW
- 08.12.....- Frozen Tail Areas
- 08.13.....Balancing and Tail Sizing Procedure
- Chapter 09. In-Flight Performance
- 09.01.....Introduction
- 09.02.....Range Modes
- 09.03.....- Cruise Altitude(s)
- 09.04.....- Cruise Mach
- 09.05.....- Speed Schedules
- 09.06.....Design and Off-Design Ranges
- 09.07.....Design Range / MTOW Iteration
- 09.08.....Payload-Range Diagrams
- 09.09.....Reserves and Allowances
- 09.10.....Climb Calculations
- 09.11.....Cruise Calculations
- 09.12.....Descent Calculations
- 09.13.....Range Estimation Methodology
- 09.14.....Operating Ceilings
- 09.15.....Altitude Capability
- 09.16.....Flight Envelope
- 09.17.....SAR Plots and Cruise Tables
- 09.18.....Point Performance
- Chapter 10. Takeoff and Landing
- 10.01.....Introduction
- 10.02.....Thrust and Aerodynamics
- 10.03.....TOFL and BFL definitions
- 10.04.....Second Segment Gradient
- 10.05.....Flap Effects on Takeoff
- 10.06.....Ground Run and Airborne Path
- 10.07.....Accelerate-Go and Accelerate-Stop
- 10.08.....Rotation Check
- 10.09.....Landing Field Length
- 10.10.....Landing Approach
- 10.11.....Landing Ground Roll
- 10.12.....WAT Limits and Fields Required
- Chapter 11. Direct Operating Costs
- 11.01.....Available Cost Methods
- 11.02.....Adjusting the Cost Methods
- 11.03.....Airframe and Engine Prices
- 11.04.....Depreciation, Interest, Insurance
- 11.05.....Crew Salaries
- 11.06.....Landing, Navigation, Ground Fees
- 11.07.....Fuel Costs
- 11.08.....Airframe Maintenance
- 11.09.....Engines Maintenance
- Chapter 12. Pollutant Emissions
- 12.01.....Emissions Methodology
- 12.02.....Input of Reference NOx
- 12.03.....Calculation of NOx emissions
- 12.04.....Input and Calculation of HC and CO
- Chapter 13. Miscellaneous Features
- 13.01.....Introduction
- 13.02.....Unit Systems
- 13.03.....Picture Modes and Layouts
- 13.04.....Printing Text and Pictures
- 13.05.....Comparing Files
- 13.06.....Comparing Planes
- 13.07.....Flags
- 13.08.....Updating of Dialogs
- 13.09.....The Airports Database
- 13.10.....The Tools ('T') Menu
- Chapter 14. Studies and Optimisation
- 14.01.....Introduction
- 14.02.....Sizing for a Required Range
- 14.03.....The 'Parametric Study' Feature
- 14.04.....- Parameters and Outputs
- 14.05.....- The Classical Sizing Study
- 14.06.....- Additional Studies
- 14.07.....An Introduction to Optimisation
- 14.08.....- Piano's Optimisation Algorithm
- 14.09.....- Choice of Variables
- 14.10.....- Choice of Constraints
- 14.11.....- Choice of Objective Function
- 14.12.....- Tolerances
- 14.13.....- Starting and Restarting
- Chapter 15. Defining and Tuning Planes
- 15.01.....Defining a Plane 'from Scratch'
- 15.02.....Matching a Set of Requirements
- 15.03.....'Tuning' Planes and the Database
- Chapter 16. Manoeuvres and Sequences
- 16.01.....Arbitrary In-Flight Manoeuvres
- 16.02.....The Flight Manoeuvre Dialog
- 16.03.....Manoeuvre Dialog Settings
- 16.04.....Stop Criteria and Options
- 16.05.....Sequences of Manoeuvres
- 16.06.....Discussion and Reality Checks
- 16.07.....Iterating Sequences of Manoeuvres
- 16.08.....Using Sequences as Templates
- 16.09..... Sequences for Complete Missions
- Appendix 1: Figures
- Appendix 2: Piano Parameters